"What's In Your Cup" with Erica Dorsey

Reading time: 4 minutes

In this edition of What’s In Your Cup, we caught up with Director of Sales Support, Erica Dorsey. Over the past 8 years, Erica has been a treasured member of The Cup and has made a lasting impression through her dedication to our customers.

We began our chat like we always do, “Erica, what’s in your cup?”

“I normally start my mornings off with a cup of One World Blend,” Erica said, “and I add two hazelnut creamers and three Splendas every time. Then after lunch I switch over to Savannah Sweet Lemonade,” Erica explained. “I love the lemonade because it tastes authentic, like fresh squeezed lemonade.”

Erica began working at The Cup in 2016 and has played a big role in our company’s success. Erica supports our sales team and our customers.

“My job entails working with the sales team, onboarding new customers, and taking care of our current customers,” Erica explained. “I always try my best to provide good customer service, so it makes my day when I can help a customer in need. The most rewarding part of my job is seeing satisfied customers,” Erica said with a grin.

Erica spends a lot of time interacting with our customers so next we asked her what her favorite thing about our customers are.

“Building relationships with the customers over time,” Erica replied, “that feels good.”

Erica has frequent interactions with customers that remembered her from years prior.

“I get emails from customers saying, ‘hey you helped me a few years ago with something, can you help me again’ and it’s shocking to me that they remembered me and reached back out to me specifically,” Erica said.

When Erica first started, the sales and sales support team was structured differently than it is now. Erica was instrumental in the restructuring of those teams.

“I think one of my biggest contributions to The Cup is helping to build and restructure the sales support team and keeping the morale of the team up as well,” Erica said.

In addition to supporting the sales team and our customers, Erica also leads our sales support team. She prioritizes creating a good work environment where her team can learn and grow.

“It makes me feel good to know that my team feels good about coming to work,” Erica explained. “I try my best to have a good work atmosphere and I always encourage my team to speak freely.”

Erica’s favorite thing about her colleagues is their willingness to help.

“One thing I love about my team is that they’re always like ‘how can I help,” Erica said with a smile. “As new team members come on board, I always feel comfortable that they’re coming into a good working environment. Everybody here is a team player and strives to build one another up.”

Erica has been in the sales field for 20 years, but her journey here began a lot differently than you might think.

“I was an electrician in the Navy,” Erica explained, “and when I came off active duty, I had a hard time finding a job as an electrician. I didn’t have the years of experience other electricians had, so I was having to convince people that I could help them,” Erica stated. “So, I started looking for other jobs and ended up taking a sales administrative position at a beverage company. I really liked it, so I ended up going back to school and studied business at Troy University. I continued working in sales and eventually had the opportunity to come work for Royal Cup and have been here ever since,” Erica shared.

Erica started in this industry because she was interested in it, but she remains in it because of the fulfillment it brings her.

“I find it fulfilling to come to work because every day is different,” Erica said with a smile. “What I did yesterday is not what I’m doing today. It keeps you on your toes and I really like that.”

Next, we asked Erica what she thinks separates Royal Cup from the competition.

“Everyone here is customer-centric,” Erica stated, “even when it doesn’t benefit the company in any way, we’re always trying to make sure our customers are taken care of.”

Additionally, Erica believes Royal Cup stands out against other companies because of our dedication to quality.

“One thing about this company is that providing quality goods and services is a priority,” Erica said, “We truly value our customers are want to sell them quality products, and I think that really sets Royal Cup apart.”

As our chat with Erica started to come to an end, we asked her about her hobbies.

“I am yard person,” Erica said with a grin. “I am in the yard every Saturday gardening and landscaping before I even cook breakfast. I always wanted to have the best yard in the neighborhood,” Erica said with a laugh. “I don’t know why, but as long as my yard looks good, I feel good,” Erica said.

We ended our chat with Erica by asking her what the best professional advice she’s received is and what advice she gives others.

“The advice I always tell others is to never stop learning,” Erica said. “There’s always something new to learn, so never shut yourself off to learning more, so never stop learning and never stop growing,” Erica explained.

The best advice Erica ever received came from her dad.

“Chasing a nickel won’t bring you happiness or make you rich,” Erica said. “When you find something you love to do, stick with it and you will always have a dollar. When I was younger, I would always tell my dad I wanted to try this or that and he always said when you find what it is you’d like to do, stick with it,” Erica explained. “Throughout my career I’ve changed jobs because I thought the grass was going to be greener on the other side and it didn’t always work out like that,” Erica said, “but I can honestly say since coming to Royal Cup I've been happy.”

Well Erica, we can honestly say that we are happier with you here. We hoped you enjoyed getting to know Erica and the impact she’s had on our company. Stay tuned for the next edition of What’s In Your Cup.