United Way Campaign: Why We Give

Reading time: 1 minute

I give because because I care about people! (and by the way it feels good!) - Bill Smith Jr. Chairman, Royal Cup Coffee

We have a saying around Royal Cup and it goes like this, "Serve them well." It truly is a mantra of ours and we aim to fulfill it in all aspects of our business. Whether that be in providing incredible customer service, one of a kind solutions, the finest coffee and tea around, or anything else we truly want to serve everyone well. 

That being said we are proud of our long standing partnership with the United Way of Central Alabama. The United Way of Central Alabama has been a fantastic proponent for good in our community. Perhaps you remember our work with United Way partner The Food Bank of Central Alabama during Sloss Fest 2015. Just a practical example of how the United Way and its partners help us serve our community well. 

Right now our company is in the middle of our United Way Why I Give campaign. This means we are actively working to raise money and donations for this fantastic organization. Our leadership team is setting the example for the rest of the company with their "Why I Give" posters. Here are 3 posters from our owners on why they give to United Way and why it is of the utmost importance that we as a company follow suite.

Why do I give? Because helping others feels good. Helping others improves the community I live and work in. Because I can. - Jim Smith

We are proud to work with local groups like the United Way to impact our community and help better serve our customers, and our world. If you are interested in giving to the United Way you can visit UWCA.org for all the different ways to give. If you are an employee of Royal Cup you can email Shirley Jones @ SJones@royalcupcoffee.com to make your fall pledge.

Together WE make the difference in our world and our communities.